Thursday, 18 June 2015

The LIons are ready to ROAR!!

Article by Jo Kilby - Team GB Quarterback

It’s all starting to hot up now. GB’s squad for the European Championships has been finalised and communicated and that’s it, 45 of us (plus staff) are off in just over a month’s time to take part in IFAF’s inaugural and ground-breaking women’s American football tournament. Just over a month….it’s not long is it?

Photo Courtesy -

I can’t go into specifics, of course, about what our preparations will look like, but needless to say it will be intense and structured to enable us to compete rather than just participate.  That being said we know we have a massive task ahead of us in taking on both the Germans, for the opening game of the WHOLE tournament! And indeed Sweden, who I think it’s fair to say will be a dramatically different team to the one we played and beat in September 2014. Both nations have a much greater history in the sport than GB, by a long way, but that will only spur us on and as I’ve said before there’s nothing quite like a David and Goliath challenge to set the games alight, and being the underdog is always fun.

As for the squad – I’m excited.

We’ve got a good team developing, some incumbents from our very first (5-a-side) outing are still on board and firing on all cylinders and across the course of last and this summer some awesome new talent has arrived, including primed athletes from other sports, who know all about strategic and explosive physicality, so hats off to the world of rugby and ice hockey in helping to contribute to our team. 

It’s great to see too so many different club names on the roster sheet. Of course I’m a little Birmingham biased, but when all is said and done, once our Lions, Braves, Tornadoes, Warriors, Steelers, Romans, Titans, Carnegie and Thrashers decals come off our lids we’re all just one team, Lions yes, but of the Great Britain variety now.

So in the immediacy, what now? Well personally I’m looking forward to getting to know my new team-mates, these next few months will be an incredible journey for all of us, whatever happens, and I for one, can’t wait for Championship Day 1 to be just around the corner, and with that in mind: its 43 days and counting GB, 43 days and counting…


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